No State Income Tax - Vote Yes for Proposition 4 in Texas

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On November 5th, voters will go to the polls to vote on proposed constitutional amendments that were passed by the Texas Legislature.  In order to be the most informed on each proposal, you can access information at the following link.


There are 10 propositions that contain the language that will be on the ballot, the easy to understand analyses, and then comments from supporters and opponents.  Although this is a long document, it reads very quickly.  We believe it is a very good tool to  help you decide how you would like to vote.


We want to bring Proposition 4 to your immediate attention.  The way the ballot language is written, is confusing.  This proposal would amend the Texas Constitution to prohibit the Legislature from imposing a state income tax on individuals.  If you are opposed to a state income tax, you will want to vote YES on this measure.  Information regarding this ballot proposal is in page 19 of the document.


At Southwest Tow Operators, we believe it is important to keep you informed on what is upcoming.  If you have any questions about any of the 10 propositions, please feel free to contact us.