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Business Tips June 4, 2014


By Dan Messina

I was at a trade show in Baltimore and had just finished my seminar when a business owner came up to me and said he had a problem in his company. He went on to explain that he did not like his drivers and that they hated him. He is the owner of the company and yet he hates to go to work on a daily basis! When you have this type of environment everyone suffers. This includes people you are having a problem with as well as all the other employees. Eventually your customers will sense that the people pro- viding them with the service are unhappy. If you lose these customers, this will definitely end up costing your money.

With this in mind let’s take a look at some ways to improve the morale of your company:

   1. The first step to improve morale begins at the top with the employer/owner. You must recognize the value of your employees and realize that they are the ones who make you money. Many businesses have the attitude that employees are “a dime a dozen”. If one leaves, another can be found to take their place without too much trouble. While this may be true to some extent, the cost of advertising, interviewing and training a new employee can be cost prohibitive.

   2. Let your employees know they are appreciated. A simple pat on the back or a few words about a job well done will go a long way and it doesn’t cost you anything.

   3. Provide employee perks such as casual Friday, free lunches and cash bonuses or gift certificates. You might want to have a company softball team or a sponsored event for your employees. This makes the employees happy while you’re able to get some good advertising out of the event.

   4. Offer bonuses such as financial incentives, company cars or other prizes. This gives employees a goal to work toward and can create enthusiasm which is often contagious among employees. Open the lines of communication with employees to find out what kind of programs would get them motivated. This will also enable them to feel that they are an important contributing part of the company.

   5. Understand that the work environment can greatly affect employee morale. A dreary office lacking light and color can cause depression and a lack of motivation. Brighten up the space with a new paint job, some plant life and pictures of company events. In my office we had pictures of the horse races that all the employees went to, along with our Christmas parties and barbecues. They all enjoyed seeing each other at these events. If you are unable to decorate your office then make sure the employees get adequate breaks in their employee lounge.

   6. Use 360 degree feedback surveys. This is a way to illustrate to your employees that you support and encourage an atmosphere of continuous improvement and that you are dedicated to enhancing the work conditions.

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   7. Encourage communication between employees and management. Doing so will allow employees to feel comfortable to voice their opinions and to make suggestions regarding the work conditions. Listen to what your employees are saying. What are their concerns?

   8. Revise the company mission statement to include all employees and departments to ensure each employee feels as though they are a part of the company’s future. Make sure the values and ethics of the company are those the employees can take pride in. Most employees in the work force want to work for a company they can trust and believe in.

   9. Find ways to make life more pleasant in general for employees. Offer flexible schedules, work from home schedules if possible, or buy them gym memberships. Be loyal to your employees. If business starts to decline, find ways to keep employees without cut backs or layoffs. Offer promotions and raises to those who deserve them. Give employees an opportunity to help others. “Wear a Hat to Work Day” can be turned into a chance to help a local charity. Employees pay a dollar or two for the privilege of looking silly and the money goes to charity.

   10. Change the atmosphere. Do you rule by intimidation? Hopefully your don’t, but every atmosphere can be lightened up to some degree. Stop and ask yourself “Will what I’m doing today have an impact a hundred years from now?” or “Will what I’m doing today really benefit someone if I act like a dictator?”

Have fun! You don’t have to dress in a clown’s costume to promote a feeling of happiness and wellbeing in the workplace. Go out and talk to your employees. Smile! Recognize them for what they do. Remember that without them you wouldn’t have a business to begin with.

I can’t begin to tell you how your productivity will change when you have a cheerful environment. Your employees will be happy, you’ll have less stress and your customer can see the difference.