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Southwest Tow Operators 2nd Vice President and owner of Mission Towing

Southwest Tow Operators  2nd Vice President and owner of Mission Towing

What a humbling moment. I was at HEB earlier getting some things for the house when this gentleman walks up to me to ask me if I worked or was from Mission Towing. I must admit, I hesitated because I had no idea who this man was or why he was asking. I replied that I surely was and that if there was something I could assist him with. He responded by immediately sticking his hand out to shake mine and then proceeded to give me a hug. He simply stated to me that he recognized me from last years event that we put together and sponsored. We had gone to a low income community and bought Thanksgiving dinners for everyone in the community. He went on to say that he had never had the chance to say how much he was thankful for being able to give his kids a Thanksgiving dinner because he could not afford one. He then said that he would see our trucks all over town but hadn't had the chance to see myself in person to thank me in person. This brought so much joy to hear somebody say those words of gratitude. To some people small things might not seem like much but to other people they might make a huge difference. I simply told him that it was my pleasure to have helped his family out and asked him to pay it forward in one shape or form to someone else he might see in need one day. Many times we forget how fortunate we are to have the things we do that we need to take a step back and just say thanks for the many blessings we do have. I wish everyone a great day and may God Bless you all.