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TDLR Face-To-Face Region 4

On March 17, 2014, in STO's Region 4, the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation held its first regional, face-to-face strategic planning session (several are scheduled around the state).
The open sessions had scheduled times with different groups overseen by TDLR; the department is looking to open the lines of communication and find ways to better interact with businesses in the state.
At the meeting in Region 4, STO 2nd Vice President David Escalera (owner of 956 Towing), said approximately 40 towing companies were on-hand to discuss TDLR practices and impacts on towing and storage facilities. Also attending the meeting were Fidel Cortez, Region 4 Director, Ramiro Sanchez, Past 2nd Vice President, and other STO members.

"TDLR wanted to see and brainstorm with local towers for input how they feel about TDLR," Escalera said. "It was opinionated stuff; what towers like and don't like about the program and what changes they'd like to see made."
"It was about trying to find a common ground to make things more efficient."
He said the meeting followed an itinerary set by TDLR that kicked off with questions from the department on what towers felt it was doing right. Many felt that the meeting itself was a positive step.

Read more: TDLR Face-To-Face Region 4

Hooks Towing and Recovery Supplies

Hooks Towing and Recovery Supplies has been a top quality supply distributor since 1999. We also are a leading distributor and installer of Dynamic Industry beds. We up-fit and rework all 85+ of United Auto Recovery's trucks with Dynamic beds. Butch and the team would be happy to make your dreams of tow and recovery perfection become a reality.

When you think of the top names in the towing world, you are thinking of our products.  We distribute such names as Whelen, Gunnebo Johnson, Steck, and many more.  Check out our ever growing selection of products in our catalog or online at  You can also give us a call at 1-800-876-8963 and speak to one of our representatives.

Affiliated and Members of Southwest Tow Operators

The End is Coming!

Currently – for 2014, the last day for individuals to sign up for Health Insurance in the Marketplace is March 31st for a May 1, 2014 effective date. If you do not have Health Insurance by then – You will be subject to a penalty of either 1% of your gross income or $95 whichever is greater.

If you have not signed up- Because you think your congressional representative will replace it – Rethink – 4,000,000 people have already signed up – And your congressional representative voted for it.

If you have not signed up –Because you are not sure how it affects you – Then find out by calling, faxing, or emailing – I will be delighted to assist you!

There is no deadline for groups. Groups offer its employees varied plans – For example, the owner may desire a Gold or Platinum Plan, which is expensive – and offer a Silver Plan to its employees because the employer must pay half of the least expensive plan selected. To help small groups pay for Health Insurance the government is offering tax credits for companies with less than 26 employees.

Bernie Goldman, Health Insurance Specialists. 214-348-8016

New Technology Changes that effect the Towing Industry

South West Tow Operators Association asked that I write an editorial for the association website. However, rather than write about VTS Systems management software, I think it more important to help inform Texas towers and SWTOWOP members about the next wave of technology changes that will both directly or indirectly effect the towing industry.

I recently wrote the article for Tow Professional magazine, it informs the reader about what is needed for tomorrow’s internet or “cloud based” technology. However, before you give up on your reliable PC based management software, there is much to consider.

Not all internet connections or software applications (Apps) are created equal; make sure your internet connection is reliable and capable of providing the bandwidth required for tomorrow’s business demands. In addition, are you ready to give up control of your company data to an unknown cloud warehouse server? Internet security is also a very important consideration, recent attacks on Target and Macy’s should make us all cautious.

Read more: New Technology Changes that effect the Towing Industry

USDOT’s Drug and Alcohol Testing Clearinghouse Rule Cleared by OMB

A new federal mandated rule that would implement a national driver database detailing drivers' history of failed or refused drug and alcohol tests has been approved by the White House's Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on January 27.

It now awaits final publication in the Federal Register where it would be published as a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM). We expect the NPRM to be published by mid-February and we will be providing members and clients an analysis of the proposed rule. This is just one of many steps that began about 15 years ago.

The motor carrier industry has asked for such a program since random drug testing truck drivers went into effect in 1980 for larger carriers and 1995 for all other carriers and owner-operators.

The main road block to the adoption of this clearinghouse database has been organized labor (Teamsters) and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) that have almost single-handily kept the program at bay all these years. The ACLU is also opposed to hair follicle testing, claiming that hair shape, size, formation, etc., varies by race, sex, age, position on the scalp, hair color and texture, specifically noting that dark hair is more likely to test positive for a drug and additionally African-Americans are more likely to test positive than Caucasians.

The rule would establish a database of commercial drivers of vehicles in excess of 26,000 lbs. that have failed or refused to take a mandated DOT drug or alcohol test. The rule will also require motor carrier employers to upload and review such information during an interview or the hiring process.

There is a fatal flaw in this program as it is administered today, which allows drivers to jump from company to company or even more disturbingly, become an owner-operator and then jump from consortium to consortium allowing them to always stay ahead of the program's intent. This clearinghouse will hopefully put an end to this problem.

AADT , Rudy Navarrete

Contact Info

  • Southwest Tow Operators
  • 660 N Central Expressway, Suite 230
  • Plano, Texas 75074
  • Toll Free: (866) 320-9300

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